Attention: Small and Medium Sized Business Owners/ Leaders. Accelerate Your Business Growth with Our Survey

Want To Discover Your Business’s Biggest Growth Hurdles? Take This 10 minute Quiz To Find Out

Get your customised scorecard on 7 Strategic Growth Multipliers To Radically Simplify Where You Need To Focus For Maximum Impact And Maximum Results in Minimum Time

If You Want To Maximise The Potential Of Your Business And Eliminate The Hidden Bottlenecks That Are Keeping You Stuck And Struggling, This Quiz Will Show You Where To Focus.

The 3 Secrets You'll Take Away From This Simple 10-minute Quiz

  • SECRET #1 - 7 Strategic Growth Multipliers : You’ll discover the 7 most crucial growth multipliers responsible for rapid turnarounds even in a troubled economy- based on my coaching and turnaround and transformation experience of over 35 plus businesses from 14 industries.
  • SECRET #2 - Get Your Custom score : Randomness or ignorance could be costing you a fortune. Your overall and detailed score in each area gives you a head start to elevate and laser refocus on your biggest hurdles.
  • SECRET #3 - Recommendations To Increase Your score : You get a logical explanation of your score in each of the 7 areas and what you can do to navigate the crisis, get unstuck, break the ceilings and prepare yourself for rapid transformation.

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This is Your Chance To Finally Get Clarity On Why Your Business Is Under Performing.

Identify the hidden barricades and bumpers so that you do not run your business with emergency brakes on.

Personalized detailed report sent straight to your email for future use.

No human interaction, just a quick and easy yes or no process.

Rates you on your Business Performance, Stakeholder Satisfaction, External Disruption, Management Levers, Core Processes, Enabling Processes, Leadership

Invitation to a free Discovery Session

Helps you gain insight into where you, and your business, currently stand


Access our 6-part video series for free, "The Perfect Pitch Route Map" after you complete your scorecard.


We want to make Company Improvement Sustainable, by building (future) inclusive and resilient leaders, who make a difference in the life of others and a difference in the world, facilitating thereby decent work & economic growth in Europe (2 U.N. Sustainable Global Goals).

Fix, Reset and Accelerate

Your Bussiness To Thrive in 12 Months


Madiha Mouchtak

Madiha Mouchtak is an Amazon best-selling author, Strategic Transition & Scale-up business coach, and Rapid Transformational Therapist - known for her impressive track record of rescuing companies from failure to spectacular growth in a stunningly short time.

In the last 24 years, Madiha has advised and coached over 100 plus CEOs, Business Owners, and leaders across 14 industries including billion-dollar asset companies.

She is an Advisory Board Member of the Global Artificial Intelligence Forum, Member of the Turnaround Management Association UK, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with degrees in Accountancy, IT, Business Management, and Psychology.

Look What Other Business Owners Are Saying:

I worked with Madiha in her capacity as the CEO of our Vesting Finance business in the NL. Madiha joined us during a challenging period, not only in terms of the need to transform operational performance but also as part of a new structure and SLT.

Madiha, has the ability to drive to the root of complex issues and deliver structured and intelligent solutions. She has a passion and energy that is infectious in an organisation and is also confident in taking tough decisions.

Under her leadership, Vesting Finance successfully transitioned to a more effective operating model with stronger commercial results and with a leaner and more effective organisational structure. Madiha is a Transformation leader, highly focused on efficiency and effectiveness and understands how to deliver strong commercial outcomes

Dave Sutherland

Senior Executive,

United Kingdom

Madiha was CEO of the Qmulus group where I was in charge of the branches in Belgium and Luxembourg. I very much enjoyed working with her as she is an excellent manager and boss.

She has strong capabilities to analyse and understand all business drives in a very short time. She then translates those insights into a mature business model with a clear, future proof strategy.

Her positivism and emotional intelligence help her to lead people and upgrade their competencies.

During the 3 years we worked together, we grew the business through expansion and acquisition and obtained a 35% ROI.

If you decide to work with Madiha, be sure that she will bring smooth change and success to your business.

Monia Nasri

Director Consumer Finance,


Adam Rous

Founder, Call The Builders

I was in a position to start fundraising for my software, and the Robot Mascot team really helped me articulate my product better. By placing everything in my head down in a logical manner I was able to describe my product much easier to investors and early adopters

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